Motherhood. Spirituality. Transformation.
Helping women activate their highest potential and change the world from the inside out!
Motherhood. Spirituality. Transformation.
Helping women activate their highest potential and change the world from the inside out!
Honor Yourself. Awaken Your Intuition.
Heal Mother Wounds.
A woman embodied in her sovereignty not only creates a new family legacy but impacts the world for the better!
The 1870 Mother’s Day Proclamation urged all mothers to rise up, embody their incomparable influence and unite for peace for their children. In 1994, the Dalai Lamai declared that the world would be saved by the Western woman. I submit that it is the Great Mother energy that will transform the world.
Motherhood is leadership at its most evolutionary level. It is a path of inner transformation on the deepest level, surrender, mothering on your terms, and standing for the well-being of your children.
Becoming a mother is a sacred initiation into activating your divine wisdom, giving yourself permission to thrive and parent outside the accepted model that existed. It is through motherhood that you can rebirth and reclaim your authentic self.
Mothering provides the greatest awakening of your life, if you allow it to be. You will be transformed at the deepest level of your being if you to surrender to the mystery and mystical nature of motherhood.
For the past 24 years, I have guided many women in becoming the living demonstration of the women and moms they dreamed of being but didn’t think was possible.
If you long to stand in your spiritual authority and high intuitive wisdom, mother compassionately and leave a meaningful legacy, you are in the right place.
Welcome Home Mama!!
Mothering is more than biology.
It is conscious evolution seeking expression.
Spiritual Counseling
Drawing upon 23-plus years of spiritual and secular trauma-informed, nonviolent practices, hypnotherapy and personal development training, Wendy guides you in accessing your authentic self and activating your highest potential in your parenting, partnering, and purpose.
Inspirational Speaking
Wendy taps into the heart of current-day issues to provide inspiration, insight, and upliftment in an authentic, relatable message.
Psychic Medium Readings
Wendy connects soul to soul with you to bring forth insight and messages regarding your path. She also connects with guides and loved ones who have transitioned to bring back messages of healing, resolution, and inspiration.
Awakened Mother Coaching
A certified trauma informed parenting educator trained in nonviolent principles and communication, Wendy has been serving families for over 23 years. Her emphasis is on brain science with the application of empathy, compassion, connection and boundaries to the parenting and caregiver relationship.
Sacred Life Celebrations
Wendy facilitates weddings, baby, office, home blessings, life passages, coming of age ceremonies and retreats.
Tha Peace Mob Presented by Million Mamas Movement
Do you want to be part of a global dance wave celebrating peace? Are you ready to get your groove on for peace? Do you want to send the message that Peace is cool? If you answered, YES, then get your dancin shoes ready for tha Peace Mob, International Day of Peace,...
Balance for Busy Moms is an International Best-seller!! Get it Now!
Balance for Busy Moms is an International Best-seller!! Get it Now! It's official -- this brilliant compendium of information, resources, tips and tools is an International Best-Seller!! And, yours truly is one of its authors!! My chapter is: Rock Yo Mama...
Moms Change the World: Wendy Silvers
One of our Million Mamas, Monique Ruffin, wrote a series for the Huffington Post called Moms Change the World. I had the honor of being interviewed by her. Enjoy the article, below. Moms Change the World: Wendy Silvers "I'm on a personal mission to tell the...
Prayer of Gratitude with Wendy Silvers
Prayer of Gratitude Join Wendy Silvers in this brief, yet powerful, prayer of gratitude.
#BringBackOurGirlsAlive NOT ON OUR WATCH Mini-Vigil and Prayer Gathering
NOT ON OUR WATCH #BringBackOurGirlsAlive Mini-Vigil and Prayer Gathering lead by MMM founder & Spiritual Midwife, Wendy Silvers, May 9th So disturbed by the abduction of the 234 Nigerian girls, Wendy Silvers found herself in contemplation and meditation on...
NOT ON OUR WATCH! There is nothing I cherish more than being mother to my daughter. I feel waves of gratitude cascading through me that she is safe with me while painfully aware that on the other side of the world there is craziness and violence unfolding....
4 Stepping Stones to R O C K Yo Mama Self- FREE WEBINAR- Thursday, May 1st, 10 am PT
As I've matured emotionally and spiritually, (an ongoing process), I have learned that when things don't go the way I "think" they "should," there's an opportunity for something greater to be revealed. I just got to live that out. Last week, after the end of the 4...
4 Keys to Co-parenting Peacefully
Nonviolence is absolute commitment to the way of love. Love is not emotional bash; it is not empty sentimentalism. It is the active outpouring of one's whole being into the being of another. -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1957 April 4th brings the 17th Annual...
9 Steps to Family Forgiveness
9 Steps to Family Forgiveness It's hard to believe that summer is coming to an end. It seems as though it flew by. My oldest nephew leaves for college in a week, which is stunning to me because it seems like just yesterday he was a baby. Much as I would like to, I...